kailash ayurveda & naturopathy wellness center

Our modern day pace of life is increasingly having a negative impact on our physical, mental,social and spiritual health which is manifesting itself in symptoms such as burn-out, anxiety, loneliness etc. and many times it leads to life style diseases like Diabetes, Hypertension, High Blood Pressure etc. Ayurveda is century old system which can help us to keep ourselves healthy in such circumstances
Ayurveda assists individuals to take control of their own health and increase self-reliance and re-establishes our connection to the environment. Ayurveda is not limited to medicine and therapies, instead it implies a holistic approach to life and living in harmony with nature.
Ayurveda defines health as a balance of body constituents, according to Ayurveda, our body is made of three basic constituents i.e. वात (Vata), पित्त (Pitta) and कफ (Kapha). These functional particles when in balance lead to health, and when imbalanced lead to diseases
Om Sattva Charitable Trust through its Kailash Ayurveda & Naturopathy Wellness Center plays an important role in providing affordable healthcare to the patients through ayurvedic medicines and therapies.

Ayurveda OPD
Centre has a separate ayurvedic OPD, where ayurvedic physician provides consultation and treatment to the patients.

Apart from treatment in OPD, the center has in- house facility for Panchkarma Therapy, which is used to detoxify human body.

Vamana is one of the Panchkarma therapy that means to persuade therapeutic vomiting or expelling out the contents of the stomach including vitiated disorders through oral route, which is indicated for the purification of upper parts of the body.

Virechana is one of the Panchakarma therapies wherein purgation is induced by drugs and it specifically aims at the elimination of excessive Pitta disorders from the body.

Basti is an enema of herbal oils or decoctions used in Ayurveda. It is one of the five Pradhana Karmas of Panchakarma and it is used to treat vata disorders

Nasya refers to nasal administration of therapeutic oil. It is a part of the Panchakarma treatment where the central nervous system is cleansed through administering beneficial oils through the nostrils. The oil is customised by the practitioner based on the condition to be treated.

Raktamokshana is one procedure among panchakarma which aims at excreting vitiated blood (Dushta rakta ) from our body. The word Raktamokshan is derived from 2 words mainly Rakta (blood) and Mokshan (let out, to relieve).

It is the science of disease diagnosis, treatment, and cure using natural therapies including dietetics, botanical medicine, fasting, exercise, lifestyle counseling, detoxification, spiritual healing and many other natural therapies.
Naturopathy stimulates positive thinking, lowers stress, anxiety & depression, improves overall health, enhances outlook, boosts optimism, and improves one's ability to cope with health-related issues. It is an individualized treatment that aims at transforming one's overall well-being.
Presently our center does not have treatment facilities for all kind of ailments however, we have exercising machines to control and treat Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Thyroid, Arthritis etc. Our efficient staff guide patients to use these machines for their benefit.